niedziela, 7 lipca 2024


The break in this blog was due to family matters. Unfortunately, one of our family members died after a long and serious illness, and we had to cope with his loss. Even though several months have passed since then, our pain is not any less. However, we understand that we must face the world and, despite this great tragedy, continue to move forward. Which we hereby do.

Przerwa na tym blogu była spowodowana sprawami rodzinnymi. Niestety jeden z członków  naszej rodziny zmarł po długiej i ciężkiej chorobie, a my musieliśmy poradzić sobie z jego stratą. Chociaż od tego momentu minęło już kilka miesięcy nasz ból nie jest ani o gram mniejszy. Jednak rozumiemy, że musimy stawić czoła światu i pomimo tej wielkiej tragedii, iść dalej naprzód. Co czynimy niniejszym.

niedziela, 21 stycznia 2024

RPG Update (47)

 The fifth and not the last level was my first brush with AI-generated art. I've already talked about it in my other blog post. I've got zero skills in drawing, so an opportunity to write something I see in my mind and receive it or something similar for my own use is somewhat wonderful. It also enhances the vibe of the book. Of course, it must be used only for my home games, nothing except that.  

środa, 10 stycznia 2024

RPG Update (46)

 The fourth and not the last thing is establishing NPCs and places in my own game world. So now I have not only characters from the rulebook and Electric Dreams but also my own. This same is true with places, but in this case, Blader Runner RPG discord has a couple of nice surprises. I used their VooDoo club as an alternative to everyone's favorite Snape Pit. So I use them and expand on them. But if I find a game scene when I don't know what place it will be I've used Augmented Reality from Geist Hack Games - everything You need to generate whole cyberpunk or in this case Blade Runner City.

niedziela, 19 listopada 2023

RPG Update (45)

 Another one of my points about playing Blade Runner RPG in my solo mode.

The fourth and not the last thing is establishing NPCs and places in my own game world. So now I have not only characters from the rulebook and Electric Dreams but also my own. And now I can use them also in my normal games. 

This same is true with places, but Blader Runner RPG discord has a couple of nice surprises in this case. So I use them and expand on them. Like VooDoo Restaurant - an alternative to a nightclub that everybody knows. 

But if I find a game scene when I don't know what place it will be I've used Augmented Reality from Geist Hack Games - everything You need to generate whole cyberpunk or in this case Blade Runner City. Cannot praise it enough. 

niedziela, 5 listopada 2023

RPG Update (44)

Last evening I had got rare occasion to run a game and play in two others. Everything in real life setting, so actually a rare occurrence. We meet up, as usual sometime near Halloween and play in couple of games. The whole thing took us about 6 hours, so everyone got about an hour and a half to two hours of game time.
I've run the first game of the evening Delta Green RPG, but I used Scott's Dorward Unland scenario from Fear's Little Sharp Needles from Stygian Fox. The game went great, there was lots of losing sanity, and very atmospheric from the start. I tell my players that they should save those pregens for later. These should be secondary characters for my upcoming (hopefully) Impossible Lanscapees campaign. There were some great scenes in this adventure and is easy to combine with the author of the campaign visions of King in Yellow Mythos.
The second game was the Alien RPG. Scenario from the rulebook. We played a second time in this adventure, but nevertheless, it was a nice and chilling game. Especially the secret agendas of every player shines in this one. The end was bloody but satisfying. My character pulls it off. As the only one. I played Singleton, so whoever plays in it, knows what it's all about.
The third game was Warhammer 40k BRP hack. We played as a Deathwatch team. We boarded the space hulk and started to search for long lost relic. It was a more crunchy game, but the climate was dense and moody. We also enjoy it.
Overall it was a pleasant evening spent with friends. We cannot believe at the end that time flies so quickly when You have fun.

piątek, 27 października 2023

RPG Update (43)

Another important topic I've encountered during my solo play in Blade Runner RPG.

The third thing is that when You play in solo mode in a new game, You can take Your time and read the rules as many times as you need. It is important, that you've got that whole time. Playing with real people searching for some particular rule can kill the momentum, your immersion, and players' engagement. So this is my time to learn the mechanics of this game. So now I know how to run it more appropriately than three months ago. Also, I've got time to since in the atmosphere of that book, and by gods! there is a lot of atmosphere on that pages. So You can sometimes waste your time during play just to stare at one illustration of the page. 

As for illustration for this post, I'm giving You an A.I. rendition of a Police Tower at sunset. Two versions. Don't know which one is better.

niedziela, 22 października 2023

RPG Update (42)

Here is my other post about solo roleplaying in Blade Runner RPG. 

Second, an essential thing is consistency.  For the first time for me, I was coming back weekend after weekend to see what was going on. Solo Roleplaying is somewhat different from regular games. When You play with other people You must be on time, You have to be prepared, even if You are a Player, with solo RPG it is difficult because You always say to Yourself: Maybe I will play tomorrow? but in many cases that tomorrow never comes. So consistency was the thing that killed almost every other attempt of solo RPG in my case. The sheer love of the setting and both films (the first one more of course) was the trigger the glue that stuck me to this game for so long time. OR maybe the fact, that even from the start, when I created those two Player Characters, I wanted to know what was their story, what was their relationship with themself and with the world around them. So when Saturday was coming, I just couldn't wait to sit with books, dices, character sheets, and my laptop, to write another part of their story. 

P.S. I've already edited my 47-page document. Now I'm working on graphics for a couple of places they went during this investigation. Here is one, the Ripple.