niedziela, 22 października 2023

RPG Update (42)

Here is my other post about solo roleplaying in Blade Runner RPG. 

Second, an essential thing is consistency.  For the first time for me, I was coming back weekend after weekend to see what was going on. Solo Roleplaying is somewhat different from regular games. When You play with other people You must be on time, You have to be prepared, even if You are a Player, with solo RPG it is difficult because You always say to Yourself: Maybe I will play tomorrow? but in many cases that tomorrow never comes. So consistency was the thing that killed almost every other attempt of solo RPG in my case. The sheer love of the setting and both films (the first one more of course) was the trigger the glue that stuck me to this game for so long time. OR maybe the fact, that even from the start, when I created those two Player Characters, I wanted to know what was their story, what was their relationship with themself and with the world around them. So when Saturday was coming, I just couldn't wait to sit with books, dices, character sheets, and my laptop, to write another part of their story. 

P.S. I've already edited my 47-page document. Now I'm working on graphics for a couple of places they went during this investigation. Here is one, the Ripple.

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