So... I've recently received a big pack of books. I thought that I will share with You my newest purchases. First is a little book with some of Lovecraft's Dreamlands stories, called "The Cats from Ulthar". It is from the publisher that already has created 5 other books with H.P.L text. Here it is in all its hardbound glory:
Another two books, that I'm very interested in, are classics from the father of all Sci-Fi! H.G. Wells!
First is The Island of Doctor Moreau. Never watch the film, but I'm more interested in the original text.
So here it is:
Last but not least is another book from H.P.Lovecraft. But this time it is the second part of At the Mountains of Madness with illustrations of François Baranger. The third book in a gorgeous series of albums with astonishing artwork. So here it is.