sobota, 18 września 2021

RPG Update (28)

The time has come and parcel land on my front porch. I've received Cyberpunk Red in Polish translation. Just now I'm reading the rules and so far they look quite good. 
I'm the meantime I'm playing on solo RPG using Sprawl Goons Upgraded with both expansions and using Augmented Reality sourcebook also using one page RPG. Cannot wait for another installment in this game. As You can see my focus is very cyberpunk or tube it is the cyber focus?

Since I've started to wrote this post I've already concluded first story of what I call The Bielitz City Stories arc of a couple of adventures. The first is for two punks one Mnemonic Courier the other is Hacker. Both survived in this little adventure. I will come back to these characters soon, but for now, I'm going to create a crew of the Trauma Team. I will start this solo adventure at the moment when the old one ended. Looking forward to the evening! Sprawl Goons Upgraded with their rules-light system is ideal for solo gaming.

środa, 1 września 2021

RPG Update (27)

Since my son's birth, we postponed playing RPG with our friends for some time. It is of course normal situation, till we figure out the logistics of our new baby. But there is nothing that can take me away from that style of gaming. For a couple of years now I collected solo RPGs, just for this particular moment in my life. So now I open up Pandora's box of solo RPGs...
My first foray into this world was paragraphs games, but this time I wanted something more. My choice was easy. From Ganesha Games:

So from the 18th of July until the 27th of August this year I've run this game with titular four Player Characters fighting against forces of the Great Old Ones (until the very end, You don't know with one it is!). It was a great game, I played it every single evening for 15 to 30 minutes. Wrote 70 pages of this game with interactions and events as they come up till the very exciting and blood finale.

My character sheet and also calendar.

The map I used for the game (there is also a color version with the pdf).