piątek, 6 sierpnia 2021

Library Update (10)

This time something from my corner of the planet. At the same time that H.P.Lovecraft wrote some of his best stories, in Poland wrote another great horror writer - Stefan Grabiński. He wrote super cool stories and novellas. This is the second publication of his works, the first since his death in 1936. Those books I've bought are from 1980, so they are a little older than me! I think these are completely weird works of this writer. They are older than me! I've got other versions of this book, but they are classics for me. If You never read something from S. Grabiński I highly recommend changing it. He is so... Weird and special. Especially for Polish readers. Another three positions to my "List of Shame".

P.S. It's a shame that nobody used his creations for some roleplaying adventures.

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